21st Century Leadership Development
The Wonders Consultancy’s leadership and team coaching and consulting includes a combination of one-on-one coaching, executive and team coaching, organizational learning labs, and retreats
Learning labs provide experiential learning and allow participants to engage in new behaviors in a supported space. Clients find that these are pivotal in helping them address their real challenges in innovative and exciting ways.
Sample Offerings
Become an Invitational Leader
Hone the skills for having uncomfortable yet real and important conversations. The kind that lead to deeper engagement, real connection, innovation, and a healthier bottom line for your business.
Discover and Enact Your Vision, Values, and Purpose
Find clarity and take grounded action via the Essential Conversations™, a multimedia exploratory vision/listening process. Learn how to access your personal GPS/inner guidance system.
Shape the Unfolding Future
Engage positive energy and action to reduce struggle while increasing commitment. Learn how to transform setbacks and negative situations into opportunities that move you closer to your intended future.
Conflict: The Gateway to Creativity
Learn how to simultaneously manage polarity or conflict while also leveraging the possibilities and potential they hold for breakthrough and original solutions.
Get Unstuck
Transform inertia and resistance into innovative and effective action. Learn to work successfully with that part in each of us that resists change and growth.
Joy of Wholehearted Engagement
Create wholehearted engagement for yourself and your organization through an intentional consistent focus on personal and organizational meaning, purpose, and vision.
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