Part 2: Moving from one year into the next

 “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.   Ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”  Howard ThurmanThis Part 2 of "Moving from one year into the next..." is an invocation or a "call".  You are invited to glimpse your unknown future, to look into your heart and the year ahead and petition God/the gods to release you to your destiny, to your bold angels.  To the part of  you that is courageous, even while fearful, and that is joyful and grateful even in the face of loss.  To the part of you that is ready to "come alive".In this part of this reflection exercise, you are invited to notice what may want to emerge in your life and in you at this time.   When I celebrate the beginning of a new year, I ask myself:  "What is the quality or energy that I want to bring into my life in this brand new year?"  Consider taking  the wisdom of Howard Thurman’s words to his black congregation in the middle of the civil rights movement.  His congregation, some would argue, needed everything, but listen to what he said to them:“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.   Ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”So at the dawn of 2013, why not consider answering the questions below and see if you can glimpse what your bold angels might want for you this year:

  1.  What makes you come alive now? 
  2. What would fill your life/your world with "lovely"?
  3. If you knew you could not fail, what might you do or pursue?
  4. Where in your life do you want to live or need to live fearlessly?
  5. What could you get truly excited about bringing forward in yourself?  That feeling of “really, really I get to do this or be this?”

Now set this aside for a day or so and come back and reread your answers.  What is the new future you declare for yourself in 2013 and why does it matter to you?  See if you can write that in a short sentence, maybe in the form of a declaration:I am a commitment to ________________________________for the sake of _________________________.The secret in making a declaration an incarnated reality is to keep it top of mind every day.  Make a daily habit of creating 3 small steps you can take toward your declaration.  Do this every day.Happy New Year.  Happy New You.


The Connection between Art and Vitality


Part 1: Moving from one year into the next ...