Tina Fey would love this.

“Form the habit of saying, “Yes” to a good idea.  Then list all the reasons why it will work.  There will always be plenty of people to tell you why it won’t work.”  Gil AtkinsonTina Fey, in her book Bossy Pants tells us that the rules of improvisation will change our lives and the very first rule is "Say Yes."  And the second rule is not only to "Say Yes." but to say "Yes, And."So, Gil Atkinson and Tina Fey agree and so do I.  But I suggest we take it even further.  I suggest we don't just “Form the habit of saying “Yes” to a good idea", I think we should say "Yes" to a new idea whether it is good or not.   Actually any new idea, even if just for 5 minutes,especially the weird ones.  And then I suggest we  list all the reasons why it will work or why it is useful.  Find at least 13 reasons.  Why?  Because then when people give you all the reasons why it won’t work you can ask them, “Given your concerns about this idea, how could your concerns improve the idea?”Why go to this trouble and spend the timeEspecially if your first reaction to the new idea is that it is dumb or it won't work?   Because innovation and creativity hide in the darndest places!  And by saying "yes" (and Tina Fey, would love this), you are actually allowing wonder and creativity to find you.  So even, if you end up walking away from it 5 minutes later, you will have just spent 5 minutes in that wonderful space called an "eternal moment".  That place where time stands still or feels like it expands.  Because that is how creativity, discovery and wonder feel.  I don't know about you, but 5 minutes of that will give me enough energy to burn through hours of challenging or boring stuff.Let’s test the idea with a work example:You are finishing a proposal for an important client and your assistant, says “Gee, I wonder if we should have gone for a more unusual approach to this?  I get we have demonstrated how we have done this a thousand times but what if what this company wants/needs now is something that is fresh, new and alive?”  So, instead of going ”What the heck…why would she bring this up now, what if you took a deep breath and asked yourself:  Given we don’t have time to redo this how could her concern be an ally to the project and not enemy?  How is what she just said actually useful to our efforts?”  And then the thought comes to you to include in the letter with the proposal, that you based your proposal on the assumption that what was most important to them was someone with lots of experience.  AND if that isn’t true, and what they want is someone who can generate approaches that are fresh, new, and alive then you will be happy to resubmit the proposal, demonstrating equally well that you are a great fit for their organization!  You follow this with a quick story of a client you have done exactly this work for and how pleased they were with the work and how the work helped impact their bottom line.So maybe you are beginning to be persuaded to give this idea a go, but are wondering if  13 ways this weird idea can be useful are really necessary.  Why not 1 or 5 or 7?

  1. Because your linear processor (also known as strategic mind or left brain), will be quick to tell you to get rid of the new idea and guess what?  Turns out that part of you is good at executing but it is LOUSY at creating or innovating!  So the list of 13 ways the idea could be useful, is a practice that helps you move from certainty (This is stupid) to curiosity and openness.  And only from that place can you adequately evaluate whether to pursue it or not.
  2. David Whyte wrote in the poem, Everything Is Waiting For You, that  “It is your great mistake to act the drama as if you were alone.”  He tells us that there is unlimited invisible help  to assist us. But if I am are convinced I need no help how will it get myattention?  So, the 13 ways list helps me open to all the invisible help (or fresh new ideas) and guidance that is there for me.  If your beliefs tell you that there is only you and your are on your own in life,  then the practice helps you open to your own intuitive brain, your right side.
  3. This kind of thinking and openness is what design thinking is all about.  Design thinking is critically important in complex times and when dealing with challenging situations because it helps you engage potential setbacks with boldness, enthusiasm and faith that there are great solutions waiting in the wings to emerge if you can just find the right questions to ask.  (Design thinking assumes there are unlimited great ideas.)

If you need more reasons call me!  All I really want you, the reader to get, is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE…unless you want to be!     

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